Monday, May 30, 2011

Finished Nursery!

Baby Sydney's nursery is finally finished! We have a couple of things that we have to get, but for the most part everything is finally done. I finished painting the trees last week and put up the flowers on the walls. I found a frame for the Wordle and managed to get that up as well. We also were able to get our mattress for the crib thanks to Grandpa, Mickey and Donna. We washed and folded all the new outfits from the showers and my wonderful girlfriend Ashley helped me re-organize to make it all fit. Enjoy the pictures and hope that everyone can come see it in person when Syd comes.

33 Weeks and the Countdown has started!

I went to the doctor last Monday at 32 weeks, but have been so busy to post. Sorry! I am now at 33 weeks. The doctor says everything is going perfect. My blood pressure went back up like the doctor wanted; it was 110/66. I gained 3 lbs. these last two weeks, which put me at 4 for the month. Not bad to almost be done and only have gained 23 lbs. I think I am over the whole weight gain drama. It is what it is, and it is all for Syd. Dr. Betterton tried her best to measure my belly last time. I don't know what I measured, but lets just say, when the doctor tries to measure your belly from bottom to top three times and you ask "Is everything ok?" and she says "well, I am trying to find the top of her and she seems to be a little big in there" Hmmmmm... lets think about this. I have been asking her if she is sure that July 16th is her due date and every time she says yes. When I asked her at this appointment, all she could say is "you know...they can come whenever they want." That tells me that she has no idea! Oh well, Syd will come when she wants, just not too early I hope. She is still moving around daily, but all her movements are right under my rib cage and are more pushing than kicking. The doctor says that probably means she is head down, getting ready. Her space is definitly limited, which causes me to move a little slower because she weighs more (about 4lbs. and 17 in. long) but she has moved down so I can breath. Which is a major plus.  Hope to keep the updates coming for all, but for now here is what Sydney has done to my belly the last couple of weeks. : )

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I got my Mother-to-be Day gift today!!!

It finally came!! Phil is officially the BEST daddy-to-be. He ordered my diaper bag that I really wanted, and it finally came today. It is so beautiful and fits my style. I am so excited to start using it. It is a Petunia Pickle Bottom box bag. It has room for everything and comes with a nice changing pad built right in to the front. You can carry it like a purse or throw it on your back and wear it like a backpack (that is the part I like the most). It is wonderful!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

30 Week Doctor Appointment

Went to the doctor today for our 30 week check-up. Everything is going well. I am measuring 32cm, which still puts me in the 30 week category. She checked my blood pressure, which was on the low side, which is what it has been doing over the last 2 months or so. The doctor says that my blood pressure is fine and that it is suppose to slowly drop. It will start to climb back to more of a normal rate in about a month or so. The doctor said that if it didn't drop that it would be the beginning signs of pre-clampsia. So good thing it dropped. Her heart rate was 155 which is pretty active. The doctor had a hard time finding it because she would not stop moving. The best part of our whole 5 min. with Dr. Betterton was that I found out I only gained a pound in the last 2 weeks. I was pretty excited! I was however a little bummed when I found out that I would not get another ultra-sound at 32 weeks. The doctors says it's because I am having a normal boring pregnancy. Everything is great and I am not having any issues, so that is why I won't get one.  I guess that is ok, I would rather have a boring pregnancy and miss out on a ultra-sound then have a hard pregnancy and get a lot of them.

All in all, the doctor says everything is going really well and her due date is still holding strong at July 16th. Lets cross our fingers for that date at the latest. I want more time with her before I go back to work. I know selfish!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mom-to-be Day!

This weekend has been exhausting. I can definitely tell that it is getting closer. She is moving and pushing up into my rib cage more and more. She is now supposedly 3lb. and is almost 16 in. long. I am feeling the change in weight. It is harder to do everything and going to sleep finally stinks. My under belly is a lot more sensitive if I move to fast. Thought I ripped something in my right side when I got out of bed the other day. : ( Thank goodness for my fabulous husband who takes really good care of me, even in the middle of the night. I am very lucky to have someone that cares about us (Syd and I), as much as Phil does. We are both getting more and more excited by the day, but it is going by fast.

For my first Mom-to-be day, I was spoiled. I got to sleep in, had breakfast together, relaxed at home and worked on Syd's crotchet blanket, Phil surprised me with the diaper bag that I wanted and we found a new light for Syd's room. So many wonderful things in one day. AMAZING!

To finish off the day, Phil and I decided to take another belly shot, but we were adventurous...just skin! We go for our 30 week appointment tomorrow. We will post details of the visit tomorrow.  Take a look at what 30 weeks looks like on me...I think I am pulling it off quite well! : )