Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What happens when you are board? You crochet things!

Ok...ok. I am addicted to crocheting again. I stopped Syd's blanket yesterday (which is not a good thing) to try and crochet a hat. I attempted one in Portland with no success. So I found a video to teach it, and it worked. I made a green hat last night. Then I wanted to try something else, so I attempted a small flower, which also turned out last night. I am going to put a clip on the back of it so I can clip it to any hat or headband I have for Syd. This morning I still was not done (just getting started), I wanted to try a different type of flower that was bigger. I found another video about how to make a layered flower with 8 petals. I tried...and succeeded!! The bigger flower is a little big for the hat, but I might put it on a headband. Here are the picks of what I have been working on. I really want to try and make another cute hat that I saw in Portland, but I need other colors and I should be working on Syd's blanket. We'll see what I end up doing! It's a lot of fun to be crocheting while I can because it was my grandma who taught me how to do it when I was 6 or 7 years old. I am glad it stuck. Hopefully I can teach Syd!

***Update: The other hat that I wanted to try and make was a ladybug hat. I used thicker yarn thinking it would go faster, but it didn't. It actually made it harder because the stitches where stiffer. It turned out very cute, antennas and all, but it wont fit her until she is a little older. With the thicker yarn it didn't size right. Oh well. It is done. Now onto finishing Syd's blanket. Maybe that is why she has not come yet, she is waiting for me to finish it so she will have it all for herself. (Pics below)

Monday, June 27, 2011

37+ Weeks and still boring!

Just got back from the doctor for our 37th week appointment. This time was different because we met our new doctor, Dr. Cooper. He did all the same things that Dr. Betterton normally does. My blood pressure is back up to about what it started at 124/78. He measured my belly, but I forgot to ask what I measured. Last week at 36 weeks, I measured 41cm, so I have no idea what I am right now. We were a little worried when Dr. Cooper was trying to find her heart beat. Normally it is really loud and easy to find but this time it took a little bit. Everything turned out just fine. She is still very active and their was no conversation about her coming early. So I guess we are in it for the long haul, and our luck she will come around her guess date of July 16th not sooner. Oh well, as long as she is healthy we'll take it, we were just hoping for a little extra time with her before I went back to work. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Updates as they come. Here is one of the last belly shots at 37+ weeks. (Thanks Ponders for the shirt.)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

News from the Doctor

So today Phil and I went to the doctor for our 36+ week check-up. We had an ultra-sound before to find out how big Syd really is. The tech lady took many many shots, which we got to keep. We then had our appointment with Dr.Betterton. When she arrived in the room to say hi, she had that LOOK. Then when she said "How are you and your big baby doing?" I looked at her with surprise. Dr.Betterton informed us that currently right now Sydney is sitting around 7lbs. 11oz. plus or minus some. Dr.Betterton is a little concerned because she is so big, and I still have 3+ weeks left until my due date. The one thing the doc. said was surprising was that her abdomen is bigger than her head. Normally, the head is the biggest part of the baby, and the one thing you have to worry about getting out. But in our case Syd's tummy section is bigger. I asked her about induction, just because I really don't want a 9lb. baby. She recommended that we don't because when you induce someone who has a bigger baby, it results more in C-sections. So we are doing more waiting.

Everything checked out other than the shocker of Syd's size. My blood pressure was 100/70 and I only gained 1lb. over the past week. Dr.Betterton also checked me and said things were soft and I was dialated to 1cm. I guess that is good? Our other news is that Dr.Betterton is taking a medical leave starting July 7th, so she might not be here when Sydney comes. We are going to meet another doctor next week (Dr. Cooper) that she recommended for us. The funny part about this is that Dr.Cooper was a girlfriend of mines doctor for her little ones, but when it came to her delivering, Dr.Cooper was not available, my doctor (Dr.Betterton) delivered both her little ones. Now we are doing a switch-a-roo.
We'll have to see what happens as time goes by. But until then, here are some pics that we got today. One of her foot and two of her little head. One of which has her with a little smerk on her face. Phil and I think she has Phil's lips. I think she looks a lot like Phil, but we'll see when she gets here.

Running out of room.

We are getting down to the wire. We go in today to see how Syd is doing size wise. I will post more info later today. Here is an updated belly photo. It may look the same as others, but colors of outfits change how big I look. I do know though that she is running out of room, and everyday I am even more uncomfortable. Updates to come later. Wish us luck!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 35

Finally another doctors appointment. We were suppose to go last Monday, but I had an all day field trip so we went today, which put us three weeks since our last one. Everything looks pretty good. I have officially gained exactly 30 lbs. which is pretty awesome because they say between 25-35 is good growth. My blood pressure was right on track again at 104/68. Based on when I first started going to the doctor, I am 35 weeks along, once again when she measured me, I measured BIG! Last time at 33 weeks I measure 36 cm and this time at 35 weeks I am measuring 38cm. They say that each cm should equal about/close to what week you are in. Based on this, Dr.Betterton thinks that Sydney is a little big already. So big, that next Tuesday I go in again for our new weekly appointments, and she wants me to have an ultra sound and get checked to see her real size.
I'm a little nervous but I think everything will work out. One of the crazy things I did find out today was that the doctor thinks that I am having Braxton Hicks (?) contractions. When she measured me today she noticed that my belly was rock hard. When she asked if I had been having contractions, I said "I don't know, I don't know what they feel like?" that's when she responded with "I think you are having one (a Braxton Hicks one) right now." That's when I informed her that I have been having those for a couple of weeks, I just thought it was Syd pushing on my belly and making it hard.
With all this info. that I had no idea about and the ultra sound and check coming up, I am getting excited but nervous. We'll have to see what next Tuesday brings us.

P.S. I also was the lucky recipient of a warm bath that was drawn for me, with calming Epsom salts and lit candles. What a great husband I have. If he spoils Syd the way he spoils me, us Larsen girls are set for life. LOVE HIM!!!